Wednesday, July 30, 2008

3 weeks in a plane

Some day, some time, somewhere over more blue water. I think it is going to take us 3 weeks just to get there. Stopped in Dakar. There was a big rainy, windy storm blowing out to sea from the Sahara. I hope it isn’t one that turns into a hurricane. A few years ago a butterfly flapped its wings over a sand dune east of Dakar and a month or so later my sister’s house was all but gone and her life still isn’t back together. Individually we are so small and so far apart on this planet, but so easily and wonderfully, and potentially tragically linked we all are as well. One life, with each other. Sisters. Brothers. One life, but we’re not the same. We get to carry each other. Something tells me this isn't the first or last U2 lyric to come to mind on this trip.

...One day in Jo-burg is enough. Off to KwaZulu Natal.

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