Saturday, August 2, 2008

A couple of amazing cheetah pics

(TOM) These are incredible photos from yesterday afternoon of an amazingly beautiful animal. Very graceful, powerful, and bigger than I thought (tall; very long legs). We saw elephants this morning (photos upcoming) and a couple of rhinos, but they were in deep bush, so only saw their backs. That makes three of the Big 5. More photos of all that probably tomorrow. The rest of the day today: - We're going to drive to a local market to do some shopping - We're going to go to the Cheetah Rehab Center where they rehab injured cheetahs, and try to raise babyies to be released into the wild. if we're lucky, Miranda will get to pet a baby there. - Then we're going on a night drive. We'll be able to see things we haven't seen yet during the day; bush babies, and possibly, hopefully the Leopard. We saw fresh Leopard tracks this morning, and it is rare enough to even see those. They are very elusive animals and the hardest of the Big 5 to see. Keep your fingers crossed. More later...

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